Pixar Saved Disney Animation 2 Years Ago

NY Times: Disney and Pixar: The Power of the Prenup. Pretty good story about the fruits of the Disney-Pixar merger. John Lasseter does seem to be making a pretty noticeable impact on the creative direction of the company and I love that they’re breing back cell-animated features. Interestingly, this story was sent around in of our internal ESPN newsletters, which normally focus on sports media.

How to Train Like an Olympic Runner

NY Times: Changing Speeds to Go the Distance. Take that Bob Costas. Instead of the clichéd triumph-over-tragedy stories, the Times is writing about the mechanics of training. Today in text, graphics, and video they showed what a typical workout routine is for runner Sara Hall with tips for the non-Olympic runner.

Update: Since this is becoming a popular post, here’s a search listing on the NY Times’ site with all their sport profiles including swimming, cycling, and beach volleyball training.

A Virtually No-Cost Way To Improve Education

NY Times: The Early Bird Gets the Bad Grade. This author makes some excellent points. I’ve heard the argument for pushing start times back for high school, but never in the context of improving eduction. When you think of all the money schools invest in “programs” to raise test scores, maybe starting late and staying even later makes a lot of sense.