i haven't posted in over a month, due to end of the semester schoolwork and laziness. i've tried to write a new post a couple times since i finished last week, but got sick of them. since i decided i wasn't going to be happy with anything, i've decided to cover a month of my life in one rambling list. the rambling is puncuated by the fact i am not capitalizing any words. so read up, enjoy, and hopefully i'll be posting on a regular schedule from now on.
4/5…hooked on my spike lee collection dvds…4/7 ist open house…gave my first ist building tours, hung out with friends, did not get a free t-shrit…met up with my sister caitie and my brother mike, gave them a tour of "my" state college, found out caitie got rejected by honors college again :(…4/12 feeling sick…worried i may have pneumonia again…two group meetings…4/13 go home for easter…drive logan home and follow his ridiculous directions to his house…4/14 diagnosed with bronchitis, not big deal…go to playgrounds with dad and little brothers during the passion…4/15 go to ridiculously long youth baseball game…see scary movie 4 (funny and stupid)…4/16 easter bunny brings me candy…dinner with family…ride bus back to state college, watch stealth (awful), take notes for 431 paper…return to dorm to find note that rob is at hospital with fever…rob discharged half hour later, just a virus…4/17 get collegian money…pbl focus group, only 2 people show up…work on 431 and EGEE papers…4/20 turn in 431 and EGEE papers…4/21 physical fitness assessment for jogging (better)…ist future forum, don't go to any panels, just get free stuff…friday night 331 meeting adjourned early…play wiffleball in the rain…4/22 raining, watch blue-white game on tv…see thank you for smoking (good)…go to movin' on and see talib kweli (very good)…4/23 final joepa run in jogging, take 5 mins off time over course of semester…begin history paper…attend amusing ist student government meeting…4/24 buy new video ipod (sweet)…do 331 presentation, no big deal…4/27 perform 431 presentation…complete and hand in history paper…watch singing in the rain…watch network…4/28 last day of jogging class, instructor acknowledges my improvement :)…go to sheilds to hand in financial aid information, annoyed…more wiffleball…find out my honors advisor is gone, will not be able to sign my proposal :(…get a scholarhsip :)…watch chinatown…4/29 watch rent (captivating)…watch the producers in the hub (amusing)…4/30 last sunday brunch…start lit review notes…write a bunch of e-mails…go to black eyed peas concert (so-so)…watch mifflin streak with hundreds of other students, including milton and two girls…5/1 final pbl meeting…work on lit review…hooked on music from rent…5/2…pbl interviews…rob's parents arrive, begin moving him out, generously take my bookcase and chair…5/3 get ice cream as thank you gift, using my brother's meal points…go to big collegian meeting, goes well…return in time to see rob off…carry a couch from simmons into atherton (including crossing shortlidge)…finish lit review at 12:30am…5/4 packed up and ready to go…go to mcdonalds for breakfast, buy dvds at mikes…load up my stuff, get lunch at mcdonalds with mom…pack up pat's stuff…go to creamery, leave penn state…exhausted…5/5 relax…into living with war
…watch phillies with chris…go to m:i:iii (decent and entertaining)…5/6…watch penn state volleyball game on tv…5/7 babysitting…watch west wing…finish collegian insider article…5/8 3:00pm boredom sets in…write blog post…5/9 help uncle with new business, carrying packages…5/11-5/12 on call for babysitting duty
ok, i extrapolated out a bit. as you can see a lot happened. that's a tough memory exercise. anyway hope to be back to normal soon.
It’s been quite the month! 🙂