My Thanksgiving break is winding down to the end now. Here’s a rambling recap of the last couple days:
Thursday morning I got out to the annual Haverford-Upper Darby Thanksgiving game. The outcome was disappointing, given Haverford lost 40-7 to Upper Darby. I did get to catch up a bit with some of my old football teammates though, which was good. Its the only time of the year I really get to see most of these guys. Most of the conversation is reduced to a few lines of school is great and happy Thanksgiving. Some people have turned 21 since last time, so they were a little more hungover than usual. A lot have moved on to new jobs or transfered to new schools like Temple. A lot has changed since high school, but on Thanksgiving it seems very little has since we’re all gathered around a football game complaining about our team.
Friday my family went out before 5 to Best Buy to take part in the annual Black Friday shopping. I don’t think my mom really got as much out of it as we normally do. We didn’t even get a new computer. Still, I got 10 DVDs and a couple other things really cheap. Most of the DVDs I had could go for $15-20 and I averaged $8 a movie. I have posted my updated DVD listing now on this blog. I think that drained my DVD budget though, so I doubt I’ll be getting many more before Christmas.
Then last night I bundled up and went to the Strath Haven-Pottsville playoff game. It was probably one of the coldest games I have attended. The field was also frozen, which made it hard for players, especially the Strath Haven ones, to gain footing. Strath Haven couldn’t pass much on offense and could stop the pass on defense. The final score was 32-0. I think my dad was happy to have gotten this far, but ultimately pretty disappointed with the way they played. He started planning for next year this morning.
Today was a day of rest. The children went to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but I passed since there was no room left in the minivan. I started my DVD watching with Minority Report, which was a much cooler movie than I first realized. I think I am about 85% over my cold, which is good. Tonight I look forward to leftovers for dinner and sharing my new movies with the family.
And thus ends my rambling post. I am still unsure of whether I am returning to school tomorrow night or Monday morning. Regardless of where I am, I think tomorrow night will be spent doing homework. It’s difficult to imagine going back to school, but on Monday finals will only be two weeks away. The end is in sight!