Long time, no posts. I have been enjoying my Christmas break by laying around the house doing very little. I think everyone here had a good Christmas. Santa brought me a TV tuner card for my computer, so I can meet in the IST building every night next semester without missing my favorite shows. I also have picked up a couple DVDs to continue my collection. All in all, pretty typical holiday here at the house.
I am anxiously anticipated my trip to Miami now. Monday morning we’re driving down to my uncle’s house in Maryland and he’s going to take us into Dulles. He does a lot of flying so he should be able to guide us through all the procedures smoothly. The weather is predicted to be in the 80s all week, so it should be a nice change of pace. I don’t think I’ll be bringing my laptop, but I’ll probably try to post something if I find a public computer somewhere.
I’ll be back later with my best of 2005 movies list, though I am sad to report I have not seen Munich yet so it probably won’t make the list.