From time to time I get quoted in publications for my accomplishments or simply for my two cents. Here are some of my clippings.
Digital changes in store
July 1, 2006, Collegian Insider
Another update on the Web project in the Collegian’s alumni publication.
“Web design has changed a lot in a short time period. The new design will look better and should also load quicker too,” 2005-06 Web intern Steve Clancy said.
Among the noticeable changes will be a streamlined, horizontal navigation that creates more space for content. It should also feature the newspaper’s photography better than the current site…
Clancy and fellow 2005-06 Web intern Chris Bajgier will also be recruiting and grooming a new set of interns who will continue the project after they graduate.
“We need to keep creating interest about the Web within the organization and find people who can keep this vision alive,” Clancy said.
Sports Figure of the Year: For Clancy, coaching not just a job
December 30, 2005, The Delaware County Daily Times
A local paper named my father as their sports figure of the year and they used my quote in the story.
As a resident of Havertown, Clancy has coached against his football-playing sons at Haverford High School. While he first stood across the field from Steve and Pat, this latest season had Clancy on the opposite sideline of his son, Chris. During the weeks leading into those games, there was minimal discussion concerning the impending matchup.
“When we played Strath Haven, one of the things that stood out was how his team was always very sportsmanlike,” said Steve Clancy, a junior in Happy Valley. “They were always very professional. My dad doesn’t leave a lot of time for himself. He’s very busy, but he’s unselfish. My parents have done a great job raising us, dropping us off at games and going to different activities. They’ve always put the kids ahead of themselves. The one thing I’ve always appreciated about my dad is that he’s never pushed us to do anything we didn’t want to do, but he’s always been big on schoolwork.”
More than IT Needed If Globalization to Benefit the Most Marginalized
November 2, 2005, The Networker
An IST press release quoted me about the lessons learned in a speech by Penn State Board of Trustees President, Judge Cynthia Baldwin.
More specifically, developing countries without a fair system of property rights are less likely to attract foreign investment. Improvements in China’s court system helped accelerate the country’s growth while Mugabe’s crippling of Zimbabwe’s judicial system helped destroy the economy, Baldwin said. “Judge Baldwin’s presentation really gave a better understanding of the role the court system and the rule of law play in a developing society,” said Steve Clancy, a junior majoring in IST. “By opening up the channels for communication and collaboration across the globe, IT has accelerated globalization, but differences in government regulations can affect the impact in different countries.”
Digital Collegian in for major overhaul
August 8, 2005, Collegian Insider
This is a story for the Collegian’s internal publication about my involvement on with their web project. Though I am only quoted a few times, I actually provided most of the content for the story.
With all this change happening in the world of journalism, 2004-05 Editor in Chief Jimmy Young and his staff recognized the paper needed to rethink its strategy for the Web. Young put together a proposal and then recruited Informaion Sciences and Technology (IST) majors Chris Bajgier and Stephen Clancy as Web interns charged with the task of producing a report that would take The Daily Collegian into this exciting new venture …
“The Web site will have to pull its weight in advertising, especially if students start reading online more than the print version,” said Clancy, who had been a member of the Sports Staff before accepting the internship challenge. “That is why it is important to slowly implement our changes and protect the print paper, which provides nearly all our ad revenue.” …
“As the project continues, we see the Web staff acting as a bridge between the News and Business divisions,” Clancy said.