Best Movies of 2007

There Will Be BloodWell this weekend I finally got around to seeing There Will Be Blood and had way too much free time with the holiday weekend, so I feel its safe to put out my best of 2007 list. It turned out to be a good year for movies, although in truth it was actually a pretty disappointing year until the fall hit. For example, I was going to put out a list of biggest disappointments which would have included almost every summer blockbuster. Still there were a lot of films that overachieved, so without further ado, here’s this year’s list.

  1. There Will Be Blood – Jaw dropping. Daniel Day Lewis is perfect, Paul Thomas Anderson tells a remarkable story and the final scene is perhaps one of the greatest in film history.
  2. No Country for Old Men – You sense that all the crime stories, dark humor, and beautiful cinematography of the previous Coen Brothers films were building up to this movie. Javier Bardem’s Chigurh is the most intense antagonist in recent film memory.
  3. Once – This is a simple love story achieved more with less than any other film this year. Filled with great music and a lot of heart, I couldn’t help but feel swept and inspired.
  4. Juno – Funny, touching, and thought-provoking, this film marks the arrival of two formidable new talents: screenwriter Diablo Cody and actress Ellen Paige.
  5. Ratatouille – It’s hard to imagine that this is a children’s movie when you consider the story is an elaborate defense of art. Beautiful animation and a clever story help continue Pixar’s proud legacy which is quickly surpassing that of its owner, Disney.
  6. Superbad – The Apatow comedies are all about delayed or prolonged adolescence, so making a movie about actual adolescents makes a lot of sense. Hilarious and endearing, I think I like this the best of their bunch because it doesn’t try to be something it’s not.
  7. Eastern Promises – A solid thriller that I found genuinely suspenseful and surprising. I would argue this is Viggo’s best post-Rings performance.
  8. American Gangster – A facinating story that married two of my favorites The Wire and The Godfather. Unfortunately I was more interested in the Godfather angel (more Denzel, less Russel please).
  9. The Bourne Ultimatum – The final(?) chapter of the Borne series is my favorite with fantastic action sequences. These movies have succeed in creating its own, original niche in the spy genre apart from 24 and James Bond.
  10. Atonement – This last pick was the toughest for me. I chose Atonement because it illuminated and engaged me in a story I wouldn’t be interested otherwise.

Honorable Mention: 28 Weeks Later, 300, 3:10 to Yuma, Breach, Charlie Wilson’s War, Hot Fuzz, Knocked Up, Margot at the Wedding, A Mighty Heart, The Namesake, Sunshine

Really? Apple “Reinvents Film Biz”?

Wired: Apple Reinvents Film Biz With iTunes Movie Rentals. This headline struck me as something Apple’s PR department would write, rather than journalist. What’s being reinvented? There are already movie rental services like Amazon Unbox and MovieLink out there. Grant you this is the first to work with Apple’s software and hardware, but that’s hardly reinventing anything. Overall, I felt Macworld was lame this year.

A Virtually No-Cost Way To Improve Education

NY Times: The Early Bird Gets the Bad Grade. This author makes some excellent points. I’ve heard the argument for pushing start times back for high school, but never in the context of improving eduction. When you think of all the money schools invest in “programs” to raise test scores, maybe starting late and staying even later makes a lot of sense.

I Wanna Ride the Zamboni

010408_20271.jpg, originally uploaded by Steve Clancy.

I was at the Hartford Wolfpack-Hershey Bears game on Friday. Given Hershey’s sweet early lead, this was the highlight of the game.

Three Cheers For Sweet Censorship!

Australia announces mandatory internet filters to protect children. “Labor [Party] makes no apologies to those that argue that any regulation of the internet is like going down the Chinese road,” telecommunications minister Stephen Conroy said. I’m not sure which is a greater sign of your country moving to a totalitarian state: internet censorship or leaders referring to their party as object (Labor makes not apologies…).

I Liked Garden State, But

Zach Braff Quotes. In the vein of Chuck Norris facts, somebody created a site full of made up quotes attributed to Zach Braff, satirizing Braff and movie stars in general. My favorite so far: “Is ‘Garden State’ the next ‘Citizen Kane’? Of course not. I’d like to think we aimed a little higher than that, frankly.” – Zach Braff

‘Lost’ and Found

New Lost Season 4 Trailer. Lost is coming back in January to satisfy the needs of strike weary TV viewers (and possibly leave an awkward cliffhanger since only 8 episodes were filmed pre-strike). This trailer is longer than the first preview I saw and gives a good idea of what’s to come. It looks like the show is going to take on the seismic shift alluded to in last year’s finale and this season might actually have a little more plot than past years. (credit: Ain’t It Cool News)

Hockey in Beaver Stadium !?!

Inquirer: Outdoor game with Pens floated. Flyers GM Paul Holmgren wants to see his team play an annual outdoor hockey game with Pittsbugh at Beaver Stadium. IN. Of course there is that little problem of JoePa not letting anyone on the field (probably for fear of overshadowing football as much as protecting the field). Still, its an exciting idea.