ZDNet: WordPress vs. an army of clunky content management systems. As someone who has attempted to build and maintain one of those “other” content management systems, I agree 100% with this article. My only compliant is that more people haven’t extended WordPress or built plug-ins to add the features that print publishers want/need.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Forget Guantanamo, Try Pennsylvania
Inquirer: Stripped of their rights. Part 2 of a series on police abuses in Pennsylvania, this article discusses how local police strip search people for minor crimes despite court rulings that ban them. Yesterday they discussed how suburban police harass minorities. What strikes me most about these stories is they are exactly the type of stories that a metropolitan newspaper should be doing and demonstrates what will be lost if these papers go under. What I don’t understand is why this story is the top on Philly.com right now instead of the in-depth series.
Best of All Songs Considered
Earlier this month the NPR podcast All Songs Considered released their annual year in review episode, which made me realize I have been listening to the show for 2 years now. I remember finding their 2005 year in review episode and getting caught up in their opening track: Clap Your Hands Say Yeah’s “The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth”. I’ve been listening ever since and its been a great treat to look forward to on Thursday evenings. All Songs Considered does a pretty good job of sampling the latest in contemporary music and had helped me shape and refine my musical tastes. So in honor of two years of good podcasts and great music, here are some of the artists and albums I discovered through the show.
I could have listed many more, but I tried to limit myself to artists or albums I heard for the first time on the show. The exception to that is The Decemberists’ The Crane Wife because I probably would not have bought the album if I hadn’t heard it on All Songs. It’s also worth noting that I downloaded more than half of these albums from eMusic, a DRM-free music download service that’s great for discovering independent artists. I look forward to hearing All Songs’ listetener’s picks for best albums of 2007 this week.
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
I finally got my Christmas lights up at the apartment – I’m just hoping the hooks and suction cups continue to hold up 🙂
The Paper on PBS Tonight at 10pm
Last Collegian post for a while hopefully. During my sophomore year a documentary filmmaker followed the students at the Collegian around to make a movie about the American media. Tonight it’s premiering on PBS’ Independent Lens at 10pm. I’m not in the movie (I actually took a semester off from the Collegian that year), but I worked with a lot of the people who were featured in it. I saw the film this spring and its pretty well done so if you get a chance tonight, check it out.
My Baby Is Growing Up
The Daily Collegian Online launched a new redesign with wider pages and improved navigation. It was a little bittersweet to see my original design fall by the way side but its great to see that they’re constantly improving the site. They’re really upped the ante with their multimedia features and sports blogs. I’m very proud to see how far we’ve come since we started in 2005 and since the new guys took over this summer. Kudos to Ryan, Dan, and the rest of the staff.
On the next Arrested Development
MTV: Jason Bateman Refuels Hope For Arrested Development Movie. One can only hope for more from the Bluth family. Arrested Development may be the best comedy of the last decade – I still watch the DVDs and laugh as hard as I did the first time I saw them. Some suggested an AD Christmas special, but a movie would be even better.
Even Google Knows No One Cares About Me
PTI: Beard-Off
The HD fairy visits my apartment
113007_22191.jpg, originally uploaded by Steve Clancy.
I finally got my Black Friday purchase a beautiful 46″ Aquos TV. Better yet, I discovered even on basic cable I get some HD channels – including some random ones that had the 300 in HD. Thanks to AP and Keith for helping transport and set up the new TV. I may never leave my apartment now.