Penn State’s Basketball is Overshadowed by (and Often Confused with) Football

Penn State basketball players go where nobody knows their names. A great feature on the forgettable Penn State men’s basketball team, which recently has become more of a Big Ten spoiler (though not a powerhouse). Poor Jamelle Cornley, no one even knows he plays basketball on campus! On a side note, I think its interesting that though I don’t like basketball that much I think Dana O’Neil and Henry Abbott are my favorite contributors.

Chris Dodd Recieved Contributions from Financial Industry

Crumbling Financial Giants Gave Generously To Dodd. Besides being an interesting look at the financial industries connections to a local Senator, this is also a great and timely piece from the Hartford Courant. The newspaper just launched a redesign this weekend that focused on bold design and more local coverage and this seems like a pretty good start.

Inmates hold charity run for at-risk youth

Collegian: Prisoners run, walk for charity. Probably the coolest story I’ll read all day – the prisoners at the Pennsylvania State Correctional Institution at Rockview organized an 8-hour run to raise money to counsel at risk youth. Run annually for 29 years, the event has raised nearly half a million dollars. The whole thing really changes your perspective on people.

Dorms Evolve From Libraries to Country Clubs

Time: The Evolution of the College Dorm. A pretty cool history of dorms as they’ve gone from tightly controlled living spaces to become more student driven – which has resulted in “country club” dorms. I would say that most of the dorms I experienced at Penn State were more of the 70s-80s era brick or cinder block variety. It’s clear though that the focus of future dorm development was on more expensive ones with amenities.

Penn State Has the Best Student Section in College Football

Sonic Youth. Old news by now, but ESPN the Mag named Penn State the best student section overall and most fun. Says Beno Cook, “If you aren’t impressesd with the White Out, you’re probably one of those people who thinks the moon landing was faked in a TV studio.” Well said. I’m proud to have been part of the greatest show in college football.

Gillette Castle

After a false start yesterday, I got out to Gillette Castle State Park today for an afternoon of sightseeing and hiking. It’s a pretty striking building architecturally and the history behind it is interesting as well. It looks over the Connecticut River, providing beautiful views and easy access to the water. There are a bunch of trails that take you down the hill to the river. All in all a nice afternoon, taking in some of Connecticut’s natural treasures. Check out my Flickr slideshow after the fold.
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