New Republic: The Long Run-Up. An interesting look at the story behind the NY Times’ decision to run with the McCain investigation that ran today. Personally I felt the story was weak, it seems like they were just trying to get something out rather than something they felt good about.
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Me and ESPN's Austin Hamilton
Me and ESPN’s Austin Hamilton, originally uploaded by Steve Clancy.
Hanging out with Austin Hamilton at the New Britain Museum of American Art. Austin has become a figure of attention (read ridicule) on so I thought I would buoy his personality by posing for a picture with him.
Marc Bowden on Journalism and The Wire
The Angriest Man In Television. Bowden emphasizes no matter how realistic The Wire is, it should not be confused with journalism. He also defends some of the people creator David Simon demonizes on his show and in the press. In essence the show succeeds in painting a portrait on some aspects of life in Baltimore but Bowden argues contradictory elements have been left out to create a more coherent story and message. Reporters don’t get to pick their facts.
Aaron Fotheringham: Wheelchair Warrior
Fotheringham flips over wheelchair ‘hard-core sitting’ craze. An amazing story about a kid who does flips in his wheelchair. When you watch the video, its hard to even describe him as disabled – being in a chair has enabled him to become a sports pioneer.
Hubbard Park Meriden CT
Post Super Bowl Thoughts
- Last year I felt a distaste every time I remembered the Super Bowl and that Peyton Manning won. I hate the guy. What a difference a year makes. Every time I look back on this game I’m going to get a smile across my face that Tom Brady and Bill Bellicheck lost and ended their perfect season. I’m a sadist.
- It felt uncomfortable rooting for the Giants, but my enthusiasm for them grew throughout the game. And to their credit, the Giants fans didn’t mind support coming from a guy decked out in Eagles gear. My justification is that rooting for the Giants over the Patriots is kind of like rooting for the Russians in WWII over the Nazis.
- I joked with some friends that I wanted Tom Petty to win the Super Bowl and his Heartbreakers didn’t disappoint. Personally I think it was my favorite post-nipple Super Bowl performance. Unlike some of the other classic rock bands called on to deliver good clean fun, these guys are still in their prime. I just wish they could have played Mary Jane’s Last Dance (or Dani California :))
- Eli Manning won the MVP because he’s the name brand of the bunch. But much of the credit goes to the Giants defensive line for pressuring Brady all night long: Umenyiora, Alford, Tuck, and the veteran Strahan all delivered and kept Manning’s offense in the game.
- One of the cool things about working with people from all over the country is that there’s always someone you know who’s a fan. And when there’s a championship that means someone you know is going home happy. The Giants fans I know were kids when they last won a Super Bowl. Of course I wasn’t even born when the Eagles won the NFL Championship (they’ve never won a Super Bowl). In fact no Philadelphia franchise has won a championship since I was born.
Could The Hobbit Have Fauns or Labyrinths?
Guardian: Del Toro to take charge of The Hobbit. This is great news. I was a little worried when Peter Jackson was not going to be directing (he will executive produce the films and Weta Digital will provide the effects) but Guillermo Del Toro is a perfect choice. With Hellboy and Pan’s Labyrinth he’s established himself as wonderful visual storyteller with a talent for fantasy. I think I’m more excited about these films with Del Toro than I would have been with Jackson.
Better than the NY Times or Teddy Kennedy
Tech President Endorsements: Barack Obama and John McCain. TechCrunch has announced they’re endorsing McCain and Obama for president, based on their stances on technology issues. I liked Obama already, but I was impressed when I saw that he had an entire issues page on technology.
So Much for Republicans Lampooning Hollywood
Stallone Backs McCain Against Norris’ Huckabee. Following Chuck Norris’ endorsement of Mike Huckabee, Slyvester Stallone is endorsing John McCain. As ridiculous as this all is, I’m surprised no one has gone after the biggest and most politically viable Republican action star, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters
Cloverfield Mythos Explored. Following up the best of 2007 with the best film of 2008 (so far), this post explains the story behind Cloverfield. Apparently through marketing and hints in the flim, the creators have given a lot of clues as to what actually happened. Also interesting for film geeks, a story about the real camera that was used to film the movie.