Visiting the Real Stars Hollow: Washington Depot, CT

Washington Depot Town HallFeeling bored in my apartment this weekend, I decided I needed to take a trip and find someplace new to spend a day. In trying to think of where to go, I came up with the idea of searching for the real Stars Hollow, CT. Stars Hollow is the fictional town that played host to the Gilmore Girls, a television show which I embarrassingly admit I used to watch. On the show its portrayed a quaint little town with lots of quirky characters and it kind of shaped my expectations of Connecticut when I moved up here. I did a quick search on the Wikipedia and discovered that show creator Amy Sherman-Palladino based Stars Hollow on the real-life town of Washington Depot, CT. And less than an hour away, it seemed perfect for a quick weekend pilgrimage. Continue reading

Tennessee Basketball Player Chris Lofton Had Cancer

Tennessee’s Lofton quietly faced and beat cancer. Just an amazing, must-read story that’s really well done. It’s easy to get cynical about ESPN, especially when you see it warts and all on a daily basis, but this story and one earlier this week about an opponents carrying an injured softball player around the bases washes over all that for me. It makes me a little prouder than usual to be working of the worldwide leader in sports.

President Bush to Appear on Deal or No Deal

President Bush appearing on NBC’s ‘Deal’. This is a meta moment. Two years ago Paul Weitz directed a farce called American Dreamz which had an unpopular Bush-like president appearing on a reality show to boost his image. Dreamz was a good idea for a staire, but didn’t quite have the guts to be as dark and truthful as Network. Still the fact that Bush has time to make appearances here and at the Nationals game earlier this month makes me think he’s more focused on waiting out the last months in office.

How to Train Like an Olympic Runner

NY Times: Changing Speeds to Go the Distance. Take that Bob Costas. Instead of the clichéd triumph-over-tragedy stories, the Times is writing about the mechanics of training. Today in text, graphics, and video they showed what a typical workout routine is for runner Sara Hall with tips for the non-Olympic runner.

Update: Since this is becoming a popular post, here’s a search listing on the NY Times’ site with all their sport profiles including swimming, cycling, and beach volleyball training.

Professional Athletes Pay Taxes in Every State They Play In

Jock tax: Competing in multiple states means more complex filings. The state of California apparently makes $100 million in taxes from visiting athletes. Typically I’m not to sympathetic about the tax burden of multi-millionaires, but this gets pretty ridiculous. I guess everyone wants to get a piece of the A-Rod deal. (source: TrueHoop)

Patriots 19-0 Super Bowl Gear Goes to Third World

NFL Gear Not Going To Waste. I’ve always wondered what happens to the losing team’s shirts and hats in the Super Bowl and other championship events. Apparently the Pats stuff went to a hurricane-torn region of Nicaragua, where it was worn by a girls soccer team that went on to win their championship. Kind of poetic.