Most Ridiculous Penn State Press Release

Penn State Live: Avoid holiday family feuds between female relatives. A public service from your favorite land grant institution 🙂 I guess it’s an interesting area of research and there’s probably no time better time than now to remind people, but still its pretty hilarious that they would post something like this.

Launch Pad Takes Off

Collegian: Company aids student entrepreneurs. Consultant, entrepreneur, and college roommate extraordinaire Rob Shedd is interviewed about his Lion Launch Pad. Besides my obvious bias of being a friend of Rob’s, I think its a neat project because its offering student entrepreneurs an environment that seems similar to the type of environment the Collegian offers student journalists.

Blink! The World is Tipping Malcolm Gladwell’s new book on the workplace of the future. Gladwell is one of my favorite authors as I’m a huge fan of The Tipping Point and Blink. This follow up is about training and educating works for the future – which also seems to touch on The World Is Flat. Jason Kottke pulled a bunch of Gladwell’s previous writing on these subjects to keep us busy till the book comes out.